The Russian Academy Of Arts

On October 1, 2008 at the Age of 108 Passed Away Artist-Caricaturist Boris Efimov

01.10.2008 - 01.10.2008

On October 1, 2008 at the age of 108 passed away Boris Efimov, Hero of Socialist Labor (1990), People’s Artist of the USSR (1967), Full Member of the Russian Academy of Arts (1975), winner of three State Prizes (1950, 1951, 1972), Laureate of the Moscow City Hall prize “Legend of the Century” (2003).

The creative work by Boris Efimov mirrors the life of this country, the key moments of its history. In his expressive works are recorded periods of the Civil and Great Patriotic War, the 1930s.  Well-known are sketches made by the artist during the 1945-1946 International Military Tribunal in Nuremberg, his illustrations to poems by Sergei Mikhalkov, Demian Bedny, Alexander Bezymenski. Several generations of readers of newspapers Pravda, Red Star, Izvestia, magazines Ogonek, Crocodile and many other editions remember Boris Efimov’s distinguished cartoons and drawings.

Boris Efimov was  an excellent storyteller, a man of outstanding humor and unique literary  gift. He is an author of “40 Years. Notes of Artist-Satirist”, “Essays About Artists-Satirists”, “I Want to Tell”, “Foundations for Caricature Understanding”, “Peer of the Age”. In 2001 was published his book “Ten Decades” depicting the artist’s bright and amazing life, his meetings with noted politicians of this country, celebrated figures of culture. In 2006 Boris Efimov took part in the preparations for the book “Autograph of the Century”.    

Till his last day the legendary artist-caricaturist, decorated with many orders and awards, continued his creative work and actively reacted to all major worldwide events.


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