The Russian Academy Of Arts


13.10.2011 - 13.10.2011


The Russian Academy of Arts invites you to attend “The Higher Art Education in Russia. Problems. Prospects”: the 2nd All-Russian Research Conference that will take place in the Moscow State Academy Art Lyceum, 8 Krymsky Val, building 2 on October 13-14, 2011 at 10.30 am.

ACADEMIA Magazine The Moscow State Academy Art Lyceum ARTPROJECT Foundation for Support to Modern Art
Under the organizing and information support of the Russian Academy of Arts, the Research Institute of Theory and History of Fine Arts, V. Surikov Moscow State Academy Art Institute, I. Repin St. Petersburg State Academy Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture, Association of Art Historians, DI Magazine of the Museum of Modern Art

Dates: October 13-14, 2011
Conference Hall of the Moscow State Academy Art Lyceum, 8 Krymsky Val, building 2, Moscow


October 13, 2011

10.30 – Registration of participants
11.00 – Opening of the Conference
Opening speeches:
Lev Shepelev, Vice-President of the Russian Academy of Arts, Academician of the Russian Academy of Arts, People’s Artist of Russia
Ada Sapharova, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Arts, Chief Editor of the ACADEMIA magazine
Alexander Yastrebenetsky, Vice-President of the Russian Academy of Arts, Academician of the Russian Academy of Arts, Director of the Moscow State Academy Art Lyceum

Morning Session
Led by A.S. Nadezhdina, Editor of the ACADEMIA magazine

Section: Traditions and Innovations in Modern Art Education

Igor Svetlov, Doctor of Art History, Professor of the Theory and Art History Department of V. Surikov Moscow State Academy Art Institute
Diploma as a Creative Prospect (Analyses of Diploma Works by Students of the Sculpture Department of V. Surikov Moscow State Academy Art Institute)

Maria Vyazhevich, PhD in Art History, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Arts, Deputy Head of the Research and Organizing Department of the Russian Academy of Arts
Traditions of Russian Academic Education and their Metamorphoses in the Second Half of the 20th Century

Cyril Gavrilin, Head of the Art History Department of S. Stroganov Moscow State University of Industrial and Applied Arts; George Koshelev, senior teacher of the Art History Department of S. Stroganov Moscow State University of Industrial and Applied Arts
ContraMater: the 4th International Moscow Biennale of Contemporary Art and Problems of Russian Art Education

Vitaly Baryshnikov, Associate Professor, Head of the Painting Department of the Moscow Institute of Architecture
The Higher Art and Technical Studios (VKHUTEMAS) and Traditions of Art Education in Russia

Alexandra Filinkova, PhD in Art History, Associate Professor of the Chair of Easel Painting of the Institute of Fine Arts of the Urals State Academy of Visual Arts and Architecture
Art Education in the Middle Urals: History and Today

Boris Klochkov, Professor of the Chair of Monumental and Decorative Arts of the Institute of Fine Arts of the Urals State Academy of Visual Arts and Architecture
“Hot Enamels” as a Specimen of a Unique Unity of the Study and Practice. The Establishment of Creative Workshops. Active Exhibition Activity

Sergey Gavrilyachenko, Professor of the Painting and Composition Department of V. Surikov Moscow State Academy Art Institute, People’s Artist of Russia
Surikov’s School of Drawing. 1940-2000-s

Tatyana Plastova, PhD in Philology, Associate Professor, Chair of the Humanities of V. Surikov Moscow State Academy Art Institute
Traditional and New Methods and Practices for Students’ Training in the Studio of Graphic Art of the Graphic Art Department of V. Surikov Moscow State Academy Art Institute

Pavel Pavlinov, teacher of the Theory and Art History Department of V. Surikov Moscow State Academy Art Institute
Problems of the Teaching of Art History in Art Institutes

14.00-14.30 – Coffee Break

14.30- Afternoon Session

Section: Multimedia: New Strategies in Art Education

Elena Tikhomirova, member of the Expert and Consulting Council for Education Initiatives of the State Duma of RF
Multimedia Technologies in Art Education: How New Technologies Can Make the Process More Efficient and Interesting

Vera Dazhina, Doctor of Art History, Professor of the Moscow State University, Head of the Sector for Work with Creative Young People of the Moscow Museum of Modern Art
The Professor of the Moscow State University On-Line

Inga Yugai, PhD in Art History, Associate Professor, Deputy Head of the Chair for Research Work of St. Petersburg Institute for the Humanities
Media-Art: Theory and Teaching Practice

Roman Minaev, Head of the New Media Workshop of A. Rodchenko School of Photography and Multimedia, artist, curator
Communication Technologies in Art Education

Angela Danilenko, PhD in Pedagogical Sciences, Head of the Fine Arts Chair of the Belarus State University
The Use of Computer Technologies in the Teaching of Fine Arts

17.00 – Opening of the “Today, Space, Painting” Exhibition

October 14, 2011

11.00 – Morning Session

Section: History: From the Imperial Academy of Arts to the Higher Art and Technical Studios (VKHUTEMAS) and the Higher Art and Technical Institute) (VKHUTEIN)

Marina Kharlova, artist-restorer, art historian, member of the UNESCO International Federation of Artists, Professor of the Restoration Chair of the Art History Department of the Russian State University for the Humanities
The Class of Orthodox Icon Painting of the Imperial Academy of Arts

Olga Archangelskaya, post-graduate of S. Stroganov State University for Industrial and Applied Arts
On the Issue of the Systematic Art Education in the Imperial Romanov Family

Leila Khasyanova, Professor, PhD in History, Pro-Rector for the Research Work, Painting Department of I. Glazunov Russian Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture
P.P. Chistyakov and the Reform of the Academy of Arts in 1893. The Reform of the Academy of Arts in 1893

Stanislav Benedictov, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Arts, People’s Artist of Russia, Chief Artist of the Russian Academic Theater for Young People
Theater Set Design as a Synthesis of Arts. The Method of Many-Sided Education. Exhibition Activity as a Part of the Educational Process

Anna Manopolis, employee of the Department for International and Public Relations of S. Stroganov Moscow State University for Industrial and Applied Arts
Nicholas A. Ferdinandov and New Methods of Art Education in Venezuela in the 1920-s. The Artist’s studio as a Training Space.

Alexey Sokolov, PhD in Art History, senior teacher of the Monumental Painting Chair of V. Stroganov Moscow State Academy Art Institute
An Art Studio as a Virtual Form of Professional Education (David Siqueiros as an Example)

Svetlana Aristova, PhD in Art History, Associate Professor of the Art History Chair of S. Stroganov Moscow State University for Industrial and Applied Arts
N.N. Dubovsky (1859-1918). The Artist and Teacher about the Development of a Creative Personality (on the materials of the author’s correspondence)

Alena Grigorasch, post-graduate of S. Stroganov Moscow State University for Industrial and Applied Arts
Darmstadt as an International Center of Education

14.00-14.30 – Coffee Break

14.30 – Afternoon Session

Section: Traditions and Innovations in Modern Art Education Anatoly Vilkov, Professor of the Russian State University for the Humanities, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Arts, Honored Art Worker of the RF
The Falsification of Works of Art and Urgent Problems of the Improvement of the Higher Art Education

Tamara Stepanskaya, Doctor of Art History, Professor, Head of the Chair of Russian and Foreign Art History of the Altai State University
The Peculiarities of the Formation of the Siberian Art History

Larisa Ushakova, Head of the Fine Arts Chair of the Teachers’ Training Institute of the South Federal University, Associate Professor
Art Education in Rostov-on-the Don

Alexander Migunov, Head of the Aesthetics Chair of the Department of Philosophy of the Moscow State University, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor Philosophers-Artists

Vera Lagutenkova, post-graduate of S. Surikov Moscow State Academy Art Institute
En Plein Air (In the Open Air) Studies Within the Education Process at Secondary Art Schools

Vladimir Ganzin, Associate Professor of the Chair for Drawing of the Urals State Academy of Visual Arts and Architecture; Olga Pakalina, senior teacher of the Graphic Design Chair of the Urals State Academy of Visual Arts and Architecture
The Selection of a Strategy and Tactics of the Interaction of the Academic and Specialized Drawing in the Educational Reforms of 2010-2011  

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