The Russian Academy Of Arts

The Second International Conference “Art and Science in Modern World” Took Place in St. Petersburg on November 1-4, 2011

04.11.2011 - 04.11.2011

On November 1-4, 2011 in the Research Museum of the Russian Academy of Arts in St. Petersburg (17 University Embankment) there was held the Second International Research Conference “Art and Science in Modern World” organized by the Russian Academy of Arts in partnership with the Russian Academy of Sciences and devoted to the 300th anniversary of Mickhail Lomonosov.

The President of the Russian Academy of Arts Zurab Tsereteli welcomed the participants of the Conference and presented the regalia of an Honorary Member of the Russian Academy of Arts to the Rector of the Roman Academy of Fine Arts Gerardo Lo Russo, Vice-Admiral Nickolai Osokin, President of AVC Charity Foundation Andrey Cheglakov and Head of the Board of Directors of the Cultural Heritage Foundation, Academician Victor Kartsev.

The main goal of the forum is a scientific and cultural discussion and exchange of experience between the researchers of the Russian Academy of Arts (RAA) and the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS). The program of the Conference included traditional sessions and events showcasing the interaction of science and art.

The participants of the Conference had an opportunity to see the Mosaic (Imperial) Workshops of the RAA, rare exhibits of the Research Museum of the RAA, unique museum pieces relating to the development of Russian science and Mickhail Lomonosov’s activity at the Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (Kunstkamera), as well as to visit exhibitions featuring the achievements of the Russian Academic school.

The First International Research Conference “Art and Science in Modern World” took place in 2009 and was the first experience in the scientific collaboration between the above Academies.



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