The Russian Academy Of Arts

Russia – Italy – Spain: Artistic Relations – International Research Conference (XXI Alpatov Readings) in Honor of Russia-Italy and Russia-Spain Cross Culture Year 2011

30.11.2011 - 30.11.2011

The opening of the “Russia – Italy – Spain: Artistic Relations” International Research Conference (XXI Alpatov Readings) in honor of Russia-Italy and Russia-Spain Cross Culture Year 2011 took place in Tsereteli Art Gallery, 19 Prechistenka street, Moscow on November 30, 2011. The President of the Russian Academy of Arts Zurab Tsereteli addressed the attendees of the Conference and emphasized the significance of the Cross Culture Year 2011 in the promotion of a closer intercultural dialogue between Russia, Italy and Spain.

The Conference has been organized by the Russian Academy of Arts in partnership with the Russian Academy of Sciences and deals with the problems of centuries-old cultural interaction between Russia, Italy and Spain.



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