The Russian Academy Of Arts

“Figurativeness and Tradition in Russian and Italian Art from the First Avant-Garde Trends till Today: Problems and Interpretations”

05.12.2011 - 05.12.2011

The Russian Academy of Arts invites you to take part in the panel discussion “Figurativeness and Tradition in Russian and Italian Art from the First Avant-Garde Trends till Today: Problems and Interpretations” that will take place in the White Hall of the Russian Academy of Arts, 21 Prechistenka street, Moscow on December 12, 2011 at 12.00.

Topics to be discussed:
- Figurative Art Today, the Problem of Representation;
- Interpretation of “Modern Times” in the 20th-21st Century Art;
- Interaction of Figurative and Non-Figurative Art;
- Continuity between the Art of the 1920-30s and Postwar Time;
- Understanding and Interpretation of the Tradition after “The Manifest of Futurism” till Today;
- The Discovery of the Art of Quattrocento in the 20th Century;
- Potentialities of Painting in the 21 Century.

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