Ten Students of the Moscow State Academy Art Lyceum Have Become Winners of the Grant “Vincenzo Bianchi and Students of the World”

Ten senior students of the Moscow State Academy Art Lyceum have become winners of the Grant initiated and sponsored by the distinguished Italian sculptor and artist Vincenzo Bianchi under the auspices the UNESCO International Chair for Fine Arts and Architecture of the Russian Academy of Arts.

The creative work by Vincenzo Bianchi includes all types of visual art – from sculpture and drawing to video art. For many years he was a Director of the Academy of Arts and for 25 years headed the Chair of Sculpture at the Academy of Arts in Florence. He is also an Honorary President of the Mihai Eminescu Rumanian Academy. Vincenzo Bianchi’s major works are devoted to the theme that inspired the mankind for centuries – peace and friendship among nations. The Master created several museums united under the name “The Labyrinth of Museums of Vincenzo Bianchi” commemorating eminent figures and the most significant events of modern times, one of them is a dedication to Yury Gagarin. Vincenzo Bianchi says, that Russian people are not a mystery but a well of talents.

During their twelve-day stay in Italy the young Russian artists will visit Rome and some other Italian cities, learn the Italian language and will be trained in the studios of Vincenzo Bianchi.

On March 13, 2012 at the session of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Arts the President of the Academy Zurab Tsereteli presented the winners with the diplomas and the Director-General of the Trest Spetsbumsnab Company Alexander Bogatyrev handed them folders with art materials for painting.

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