The 575th General Assembly of the Russian Academy of Arts

On March 27, 2012 at the Russian Academy of Arts, 21 Prechistenka street, Moscow there was the 575th General Assembly of the Russian Academy of Arts devoted to the prospects of the development of the Russian Academy of Arts till 2030.

Among the speakers were: President of the Russian Academy of Arts (RAA) Zurab Tsereteli; Advisor to the Russian President for Culture Yury Laptev; Chief Scientific Secretary of the Presidium of the RAA Oleg Koshkin; Vice-President of the RAA Andrey Bobykin; Head of the Scientific and Organizing Department of the RAA Tatyana Kochemasova; Vice-President of the RAA Lev Shepelev; Rector of V. Surikov Moscow State Academy Art Institute Anatoly Lyubavin; Vice-President of the RAA, Rector of the Moscow Institute of Architecture Dmitry Shvidkovsky and others.

Zurab Tsereteli presented the highest award of the Russian Academy of Arts – the Order for Services to the Russian Academy of Arts to Vyacheslav Zaitsev, Yury Laptev, Mikhail Posokhin, Oleg Eremeev and Alexander Yastrebenetsky.

The General Assembly unanimously elected Zurab Tsereteli as President of the RAA for the next five years as well as approved a new staff of the Presidium for a new five-year term.


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