Innovations in Art: Angles of Interpretation - Panel Discussion at the Russian Academy of Arts

The Russian Academy of Arts invites you to attend a panel discussion “Innovations in Art: Angles of Interpretation” organized by the Russian Academy of Arts, Department of Innovative Art Trends of the Russian Academy of Arts, V. Surikov Moscow State Academy Art Institute that will take place in the White Hall of the Russian Academy of Arts, 21 Prechistenka street, Moscow on March 26, 2012 at 12.00.

Art and innovations – in today’s intensive integration of various fields of knowledge this theme is urgent. In order to realize if it is possible to speak about innovations in fine art in general, we should go back to the meaning of the word “innovation” which is translated from the Latin language as “renovation”, “improvement”, that coincides with our understanding of the aims of fine art – it has been developing in the course of centuries, it is always in progress and in search of new ways of expressiveness. If to speak of the peculiarities of visual culture taking into account its interdisciplinary character, it is necessary to note, that we can also consider the process of artistic creativity with its eternal strife for the unexplored as innovative. All depends on the scale of an artistic concept.

What is innovation in relation to art? What are the problems of identification of this notion in the context of modern world culture and adaptation of artistic traditions in an innovative space of global culture? These are some of the topics to be discussed at the round table on March 26, 2012.

Among the panelists are Konstantin Khudyakov, Alexander Ponomarev, Vladimir Pirozhkov, Nickolai Mukhin, Vasili Tsereteli, Alexander Yastrebenetsky and other noted artists.

Konstantin Khudyakov

Russian artist, works in digital technologies in fine art, President of the Creative Artists’ Union of Russia, Chairman of the Board of Directors of “M’Ars” Gallery, Academician of the Russian Academy of Arts, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation. Graduated from the Moscow Institute of Architecture.

Konstantin Khudyakov combines a microcosm with a macrocosm (“The Life of Insects” series) and simultaneously creates his version of the Last Supper presented at the Venetian Biennale of Modern Art this year. His projects “Hotel Russia”, “Russian Landscape|, “Moscow panorama”, “The Life of Insects”, “Map of the World” and other works are a perfect demonstration of unlimited possibilities of various computer programs and technologies for reproduction of easel and monumental works. For the last three years the artist has been working at the creation of interactive pictures, stereo-light-panels, digital sculpture.

Vladimir Pirozhkov

Russian designer, President of AstraRossa Center for Industrial Design and Innovations, Honorary Member of the Russian Academy of Arts. He graduated from the Sverdlovsk Institute of Architecture where he majored in the industrial design, as well as is a graduate of the Art Center College of Design in Switzerland. Vladimir Pirozhkov worked for Citroen Co. (as an interior designer for models Xsantia X2, C5, concept car C3 Lumiere, C3 Air, C6 Lignage, C4 Volcane, author of the restyling of Xsara model. He also worked as a senior designer for the European Design-Center Toyota in Nice, participated in the creation of Yaris, Auris, Corolla, Avensis models and concept cars MTRC and UUV.

Since 2007 Vladimir Pirozhkov has been working in Russia. He has set up an AstraRossa Center for Industrial Design and is its President. Among its projects are a design of official colors and elements of the brand style for the new Sukhoi Superjet 100 passenger aircraft of Sukhoi Civil Aircraft Co; interior design of Kamov-62 multipurpose helicopter; concept of a piloted space vehicle of the new generation in partnership with S.P. Korolev Rocket and Space Corporation “ENERGIA”.

Alexander E. Ponomarev

Russian artist, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Arts, Officer of the French Order “For Services in Literature and Art”, Member of the International Union of Artists and Creative Artists’ Union of Russia; twice holder of the grant of the City Hall of Paris; holder of Alexander Calder scholarship (New York-Paris).

Alexander Ponomarev graduated from an Art School in Orel (Russia) and the Higher Engineering Naval College in Odessa.

In partnership with the Russian Navy and Research Fleet he has implemented a number of art projects in the World Ocean, Arctic, Greenland and Antarctica. For 30 years of his creative activity he has arranged more than 100 exhibitions and art projects in Russia and other countries. He is an active participant in Moscow Biennale of Modern Art and Biennale of Modern Art in Venice (2007, 2009, 2011).

Nickolai Mukhin

Russian artist, founder of the Yaroslavl Icon School, People’s Artist of the Russian Federation, Member of the Artists’ Union of Russia, Academician and member of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Arts, member of the Russian President’s Council for Culture and Art.

Nickolai Mukhin graduated from the Yaroslavl Art College and V. Surikov Moscow State Academy Art Institute. He has made wall paintings for Orthodox churches in Russia and many other countries (Serbia, Croatia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, the United States, Japan, Malta). He is an author of paintings, sculptural compositions, objects, installations, has a license for invention of the Method of Creation of Drawings with the Effect of Luminescence in a Hard Form, 2001.

Nickolai Mukhin’s works are in collections of the State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow Museum of Modern Art, Yaroslavl Art Museum, Rybinsk State History, Architecture and Art Museum-Preserve, Kursk Regional Picture Gallery and other Russian museums, as well as in private collections in many countries.

Vasily Tsereteli

Russian artist, art-manager, Executive Director of the Moscow Museum of Modern Art, Commissioner of the Russian Ministry of Culture for International Exhibitions in Venice, Academician of the Russian Academy of Arts, Head of the Department of Innovative Art Trends of the Russian Academy of Arts, Member of the Moscow Union of Artists, member of the competitive commission for the Prize of the Central Federal District in Culture and Art.

Vasily Tsereteli has studied at the Parsons School of Design and High School for Visual Arts and is a Bachelor of Arts.

Vasily Tsereteli is a member of the Organizing Committee of the “Innovation” State Prize in Contemporary Art, member of the Organizing Committee of the Russian National Prize in Fine Arts “Kandinsky Prize”. He has participated in such art projects as “Art-Constitution”, “History of Russian Video Art. Volume 2”, “Art Digital” and many others, he was one of the initiators and producers of “Veryu” (I Believe) project at Vinzavod, one of the initiators and a member of the Organizing Committee of the Moscow International Biennale of Modern Art “Stoy! Kto idet? (Halt! Who Is Coming? )

Alexander Yastrebenetsky

Graphic artist, Academician and Vice-President of the Russian Academy of Arts, Director of the Moscow State Academy Art Lyceum. He graduated from the Graphic Department of I. Repin St. Petersburg State Academy Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture.

In 1989 Alexander Yastrebenetsky was a holder of the “Glasgow Print Studio” grant. He is a Member of the Moscow Union of Artists, has worked as a chief artist for the architectural bureau “The Capital and Estate”.

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