In Moscow Was Unveiled a Monument to the Eminent Russian Cellist Mstislav Rostropovich

On March 29, 2012 in Moscow there was an unveiling ceremony for the monument to the outstanding Russian cellist and conductor Mstislav Rostropovich (1927-2007) whose 85th birth anniversary is being marked in Russia this year. The monument has been placed in the Bryusov Lane not far from the maestro’s house and the Moscow Conservatoire where he worked for 26 years. The authors of the monument are the People’s Artist of Russia, Academician of the Russian Academy of Arts, sculptor Alexander Rukavishnikov and architect, Academician Igor Voznesensky.

The unveiling ceremony was attended by the wife of Mstislav Rostropovich, People’s Artist of the USSR Galina Vishnevskaya, members of his family, Russian Prime-Minister Vladimir Putin, Minister of Culture Alexander Avdeev, Moscow Mayor Sergey Sobyanin, People’s Artist of the USSR Joseph Kobzon, the wife and daughter of the first President of the Russian Federation Boris Yeltsin Naina Yeltsina and Tatyana Yumasheva.

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