Solo Retrospective of Igor Cholaria in Tsereteli Art Gallery

Organized by the Russian Academy of Arts and Tsereteli Art Gallery in partnership with Maria Stroganov Art Gallery, the solo show features works by Igor Cholaria produced by the artist in various years. The opening ceremony was attended by the President of the Russian Academy of Arts Zurab Tsereteli, Honored President of the Russian Olympic Committee Leonid Tyagachev, Head of the Presidential Property Management Department Vladimir Kozhin, Member of the Council of Federation Lyudmila Narusova.

Igor Cholaria was born in 1959 in the town of Ochamchiri. He finished an Art School in Sukhumi in 1976 and continued his art education in V. Mukhina St. Petersburg Higher College of Art and Industry. After the graduation he was one of not many who started painting portraits in the streets as freelances where his talent and an original manner were appreciated by Italian art dealers. Shortly after his first exhibitions were held in Italy. At the same time Igor Cholaria collaborated with the noted St. Petersburg Gallery “Palette”. He was invited by the Belgian art gallery “Robinson” with which he has been maintaining close ties up to now. His works were shown in Roy Miles Gallery in London. In Netherlands Igor Cholaria for many years has been working with Mark Peet Visser Gallery. Among his recent works are two big panels for the large cruise liner “Queen Mary Two”.

His works are in private collections in many countries including collections of many celebrities.


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