The Russian Academy Of Arts


25.10.2012 - 25.10.2012

The Russian Academy of Arts invites you to take part in the All-Russian Youth Conference “Art and Science in Modern World. A New View” dedicated to the problems of art development, that will take place at the Russian Academy of Arts (21 Prechistenka street, Moscow) on November 28-29, 2012. The Conference is aimed at the discussion of problems and prospects of researches in art – architecture, fine arts, design, restoration and the study of innovative art trends.

Topics to be discussed at the Conference:

- development of arts and sciences in the context of new reality:

- science about art: what is its future like?

- synthesis of arts and sciences – vogue and a scientific breakthrough

- history of art: new approaches to the research

- work of art as a social phenomenon

- artist and innovation: stimulus for creativity or a foreign element

- Russian art technologies: potential and reality

- problems of the development of modern architecture: dream city and reality

- human environment: new ideas and new forms

- Creative young people and modern challenges: problems of adaptation

- after graduation from an institute: socialization of an artist and scientist

- modern challenges and trends in art and science – what is going to happen?

- scientific inventions in art – facets of creativity and science

- reformation of art education: preservation of traditions, development of its potential

- innovative art trends and their role in the modern educational process

- patent for an artist – problems and their solutions

Applications shall be sent not later than November 10, 2012 to:

For the participation in the Conference are invited teachers, students, post-graduates, trainees of creative workshops, young scientists, artists, architects, designers.

Contact information:
Tel: 495 – 637 7679
Fax: 495 – 637 4386

The Conference Organizing Committee

Application Form:

1. Name __________________

2. Place of work (study) __________________

3. Position ____________________

4. Scientific degree ________________

5. Name of the lecture and main points (1000-2000 symbols) ______________

6. Address _____________

7. Contact telephones _________________

9. E-mail ___________________________  

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