Russian Art Before and After the Time of Troubles: Research Conference at the Russian Academy of Arts

The Russian Academy of Arts and Department of Art History and Art Criticism of the Research Institute of Theory and History of Fine Arts of the Russian Academy of Arts invite you to attend a research conference “Russian Art Before and After the Time of Trouble” that will take place in the White Hall of the Russian Academy of Arts (21 Prechistenka street, Moscow) on October 31, 2012 at 11.00 am.


October 31, 2012 – Wednesday

11.00 am – Morning Session
Dmitry Shvidkovsky, Academician, Vice-President of the Russian Academy of Arts
Welcoming Address

Irina Buseva-Davydova, Doctor of Art History, Research Institute of Theory and History of Fine Arts of the Russian Academy of Arts
The Time of Troubles and Russian Culture

Vladimir Sedov, Doctor of Art History, Russian Academy of Sciences
Architectural Works in Tikhvin in the 16th Century

Tatyana Samoilova, PhD in Art History, the Moscow Kremlin Museums
Icons-Relics of the Late 16th Century from the Collection of the Moscow Kremlin Museums

Anna Ryndina, Doctor of Art History, Research Institute of Theory and History of Fine Arts of the Russian Academy of Arts
Synthesis of the Orient and the West in the Iconography of Our Lady of Kazan

Alexander Preobrazhensky, PhD in Art History, Research Institute of Theory and History of Fine Arts of the Russian Academy of Arts
The Newly-Discovered Icon of St. Theodore Stratelates dated 1581 and Development of Russian Painting in the Time of Troubles

Natalya Komashko, A. Rublev Central Museum of Old Russian Culture and Art
“ Stroganov School” Before and After the Time of Troubles 03.00 pm – Afternoon Session

Boris Fonkich, Doctor of History, Institute of World History of the Russian Academy of Sciences
A Greek Manuscript in Moscow in the Time of Boris Godunov

Alexander Preobrazhensky, PhD in Art History, Research Institute of Theory and History of Fine Arts of the Russian Academy of Arts
The Frescos in Sviyazhsk on the Verge of Epochs

Tatyana Tolstaya, PhD in Art History, Moscow Kremlin Museums
The Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin at the Beginning of the Romanovs’ Reign (according to written sources)

Yulia Tarabarina, Research Institute of Architecture and Town Building
Alexeyevskiy Monastery – Well-Known and Unknown

Victoria Menyailo, PhD in Art History, Moscow Kremlin Museums
The Icon of the Cathedral of the Chudov Convent

Lilia Evseeva, PhD in art History, A. Rublev Central Museum of Old Russian Culture and Art
Nikon’s Iconostasis with Deesis Tier of Icons

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