The Bulgarian Minister of Culture Vejdi Rashidov Was Presented the Regalia of an Honorary Member of the Russian Academy of Arts

On November 18, 2012 within Days of Bulgarian Spiritual Culture in Russia (November 18-25) the President of the Russian Academy of Arts Zurab Tsereteli presented the Bulgarian Minister of Culture Vejdi Rashidov with the regalia of an Honorary Member of the Russian Academy of Arts.

Vejdi Rashidov is a world recognized Bulgarian master of sculpture. Vejdi Rashidov was born on December 14, 1951 in Dimitrovgrad. He graduated from the Art School in Sofia and the National Academy of Arts where he majored in sculpture.

The artist has been an active participant in group and theme exhibitions in many cities of the world and had more than 45 solo shows in Amsterdam, Ankara, Basel, Belgrade, Berlin, Bohn, Delhi, Deauville, Dimitrovgrad, Gabrovo, Istanbul, Izmir, Krakow, London, Moscow, Paris, Plovdiv, Tokyo, Vienna, Warsaw and other cities.

Vejdi Rashidov is a holder of numerous Bulgarian and international honors and awards, including the Dante Alighieri Gold Medal of the Vatican, Gold Medal “for outstanding contributions to humanity” of the European Academy of Arts, Paris; the Russian Order of Alexander Nevsky 1st Rank and Order of Cyril and Methodius, orders of Bulgaria, Ukraine and Turkey. He is a Corresponding Member of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Member of the UNESCO International Academy of Plastic Art, European Academy of Arts, the Council for Spiritual Development of the President of the Republic of Bulgaria.


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