Award Ceremony for the Grand-Prix of the 3rd International Festival of Spiritual Music “Crystal Chapel”

On November 17, 2012 within the International Day of Tolerance Tsereteli Art Gallery hosted an award ceremony for the Grand-Prix of the 3rd International Festival of Spiritual Music “Crystal Chapel”. It was attended by the President of the Russian Academy of Arts Zurab Tsereteli, Vice-President of the RAA Andrey Zolotov, President of the Slavic Foundation of Russia and Member of the Public Chamber of the RF Galina Bogolyubova, representatives of religious confessions, diplomatic missions of countries-participants in Days of Slavic Culture, public figures.

The Festival is included in the list of 12 major events within the framework of Days of Slavic Culture in Moscow and is annually held in three venues: the Apple Hall and Hall of the Private Church of Tsereteli Art Gallery, 19 Prechistenka street, as well as in the Crystal Chapel located in the inner courtyard of the State Museum of Modern Art, 10 Gogolevsky boulevard.

Zurab Tsereteli presented the best choral group with the Grand-Prix established by him especially for winners of this Festival.


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