Art and Science in Modern World. A New Look: All-Russian Youth Conference

Art and Science in Modern World. A New Look: All-Russian Youth Conference

The Russian Academy of Arts, UNESCO International Chair for Fine Arts and Architecture, Youth Department of the Creative Artists’ Union of Russia invite you to attend an All-Russian Youth Conference “Art and Science in Modern World. A New Look”, that will take place in the White Hall of the Russian Academy of Arts, 21 Prechistenka street, Moscow on December 12-13, 2012.


December 12, 2012 – Wednesday

10.30 am - Morning Session
to be led by Tatyana Kochemasova, Head of the Research and Organizing Department of the Russian Academy of Arts

Svetlana Kazakova, PhD in Art History, Member of the Association of Art Historians of Russia, Moscow
On the Issue of Interdisciplinary Connections of Science and Art

Maria Razgulina, worker of the Research and Educational Department of the State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow
Synthesis of Arts and Sciences: Fine Arts and Psychoanalysis

Vera Lagutenkova, postgraduate of V. Surikov Moscow State Academy Art Institute, Moscow
Memes as One of the Up-to-Date Means of Communication in Russian Internet Culture

Yulia Klimko, postgraduate, School of Art, Culture and Sports, Vladivostok
Synthesis of Art and Science in Exhibition Projects of Artists of “Arch” Gallery

Pavel Chvilev, Head of “Artmall” Organization, Moscow
Cultural Events at the Junction of Innovations, Art and Ecology

Ksenia Zhideleva, postgraduate, B. Yeltsin Urals Federal University
Art Festival as a Factor of Dialogue of Cultures

Olga Ilyina, postgraduate, Moscow State University of Culture and Arts, Moscow
Business and Culture

Vlada Rechkalova, student, South Urals State University, Chelyabinsk
Interdisciplinary Options of Research

Ksenia Blokhina, student, Moscow State Teachers’ Training University, Moscow
Carnival Culture in the Creative Work of “Mukhomor” Group and Postmodern Context

14.30-15.30 – Coffee Break

15.30 – Afternoon Session
to be led by Nadezhda Mukhina, PhD in Art History, Scientific Secretary of the Research and Organizing Department of the Russian Academy of Arts

Alexey Philippov, associate professor, Kuban State University, Chair of Architecture. Krasnodar
Some Problems of Modern Art Teaching: Audience, Methods, Logics

Yulia Ushaneva, PhD in Teaching, Senior Teacher at the South Federal University, Rostov-on-the Don
The Role of Higher Art Education Institutions in the Formation of Cultural, Educational and Aesthetic Principles of the Information Society

Olga Ghilmutdinova, artist, Director of N. Feshin Kazan Art College, Kazan
Art Traditions as a Base for Artist’s Professional Craftsmanship. Kazan Art College: History and Today

Svetlana Petrenko, postgraduate, South Federal University, Rostov-on-the Don
The Role of a Graphic Portrait in the Teaching of a Future Artist – Teacher of the 21st Century

Sergey Pisarenko, PhD in Teaching, associate professor, South Federal University, Rostov-on-the Don
The Role of Visual Aids in the Teaching of Ability to Depict a Light and Color Environment in Painting

Tatyana Ivanova, Art Historian, Institute of Russian Realist Art, Moscow
Methods and Techniques Used in Today’s Art Education on the Basis of Experience of the Battle and History Studio of V. Surikov Moscow State Academy Art Institute

Zhao Tse, postgraduate, South Federal University, Rostov-on-the Don
The Role of Soviet-Chinese Cooperation in the Formation of Art Education in China

Galina Protcheva, student of S. Stroganov Moscow State Art and Industry Academy, Moscow
Creative Youth and Modern Challenges: Problems of Adaptation after Graduation

17.00 - Visit to the exhibition of diploma works of the Academy’s Art Institutes 2008-2012 entitled Successors of Great Masters (Tsereteli Art Gallery, 19 Prechistenka street)

December 13, 2012 – Thursday

10.30 am - Morning Session
to be led by Nadezhda Mukhina, PhD in Art History, Scientific Secretary of the Research and Organizing Department of the Russian Academy of Arts

Marina Berezhnaya, teacher and postgraduate of I. Glazunov Russian Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture, Moscow
Construction of Cupola-Shaped Compositions in Five-Domed Cathedrals in the 16th – 17th Century

Ivan Karzhavin, student of I. Glazunov Russian Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture, Moscow
The Origin of Novgorod Stone Crosses: Form and Semantics

Svetlana Lipatova, postgraduate, Research Institute of Theory and History of Fine Arts of the Russian Academy of Arts, Moscow
Modern Problems of the Study of Monumental Church Painting of the First Quarter of the 18th Century

Pyotr Baranov, student, M. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Today’s Research of Russian Architecture of the 18th Century as a Precondition for its Further Identical Existence

Alexander Pakhunov, teacher of the Russian State University for the Humanities /European University, Moscow and Yulia Terekhova, art historian, postgraduate, European University, Moscow
Study of Paintings in the “House with a Lion” (Saratov Region): History, Technique and Technology

Lubov Isakova, restorer, postgraduate, B. Yeltsin Urals Federal University, Sverdlovsk
Photographic and Radiographic Painting Research Methods: Need of Modern Technologies for Attribution

Olga Philippova, researcher of the Museum of Na?ve Art, Moscow
Artworks by Dmitry Ushakov – Philologist as a Phenomenon Typical for Scientific Intellectuals of the Late 19th – Early 20th Century – Innovation in the 21st Century

14.00-15.00 – Coffee Break

Alexander Salenkov, student, V. Surikov Moscow State Academy Art Institute
On the Issue of the Possible Synthesis of Theory and Practice in Painting. “Biomonism” by Pavel Filonov

Vladimir Shipkov, postgraduate, I. Glazunov Russian Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture, Moscow
The Diversity of Interests of Ilya Bondarenko that Influenced His Creative Realization

Alexandra Sbezhneva, student, V. Surikov Moscow State Academy Art Institute, Moscow
The Experience of Reconstruction of the Artistic Environment Exemplified in the Work by Mikhail Kurilko-Ryumin (1950s -1980s)

Tatyana Malakhova, senior researcher, postgraduate, Research Institute of Theory and History of Fine Arts of the Russian academy of Arts, Moscow
Searches for New Expressive Means in Wood Cutting in the Context of These Days

Olga Dranichkina, postgraduate, S. Stroganov Moscow State Art and Industry Academy, Moscow
Dale Chihuly. Experiments in the Creation and Exposition of Glass Art Works

Alina Gorlenko, postgraduate, A. Gertsen Russian State Teachers’ Training University, St. Petersburg
Symposiums on City Sculpture in St. Petersburg

Organizing Committee:

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