New Trends in Art. The Problem of Artistic Quality: Panel Discussion at the Russian Academy of Arts

The Department of Art History and Art Criticism of the Russian Academy of Arts invites you to attend the panel discussion “New Trends in Art. The Problem of Artistic Quality”, that will take place in the White Hall of the Russian Academy of Arts, 21 Prechistenka street, Moscow on April 15, 2013.

Topics to be discussed:

1. Publicistic Gesture and Artistic and Allegoric Gesture in Art

2. Values “Set” by an Art Curator and Values Determined by a Cultural Self-Consciousness

3. Artistic Tastes of a Mass Viewer and Artistic Directions of the Expert Society’s Directives

4. The Necessity/Optionality of an Artistic Experience, Cultural Background in the Evaluation of Innovative Plaster Forms

5. Are the Sign of Artistic Quality and Criteria of an Artwork’s Commercial Value Equal?

Applications shall be sent to Inga Yudenich via e-mail:

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