The Russian Academy Of Arts

Presentation of the Book “Italy-Russia: One Thousand Years of Architecture”

05.04.2013 - 05.04.2013

On March 28, 2013 at the Italian Embassy in Moscow there will be a presentation of the book “Italy-Russia: One Thousand Years of Architecture” published by UmbertoAllemandi Publishing House for the Italian Embassy in Moscow with a foreword by the President of the Italian Republic Giorgio Napolitano.

The authors of the book are Dmitry Shvidkovsky, one of the distinguished specialists in the history of architecture, Rector of the Moscow Institute of Architecture; Alexey Batalov, Deputy Director of the Moscow Kremlin Museums and Federica Rossi, researcher of the Russian and Italian architecture in Pisa. The book of 335 pages contains 280 color and black and white illustrations, maps, drawings (some of them have never been published before), rich bibliography. The book, innovative in terms of methodology, shows to the wide public works by hundreds of Italian architects who through many centuries came to Moscow, St. Petersburg, Vladimir to offer their professional skills and talent to the Russian court. It is the first time, when a research publication in this field chronologically covers almost one thousand years of Italian architecture in Russia in one book.


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