The Russian Academy Of Arts

New Technologies in Modern Russian Stage Design. Advantages and Disadvantages: Research and Practical Conference at the Russian Academy of Arts

16.05.2013 -

The Russian Academy of Arts and Department of Theatrical and Cinema Decorative Art of the Russian Academy of Arts invite you to attend a research and practical conference “New Technologies in Modern Russian Stage Design: Advantages and Disadvantages”, that will take place in the White Hall of the Russian Academy of Arts, 21 Prechistenka street, Moscow on May 16, 2013.


May 16, 2013 - Thursday

11.00 am – Opening of the Conference

Boris A. Messerer, Academician-Secretary of the Department of Theatrical and Cinema Decorative Art of the Russian Academy of Arts
Welcoming address

Valery Y. Levental, Academician
The Profession of a Scenic Designer. Yesterday and Today. International Experience

Vladimir A. Arefiev, Academician, Chief Designer of K. Stanislavsky and V. Nemirovich-Danchenko Musical Theater and Moscow Operetta Theater
Application of Elements of Computer Technologies within the Traditional Set Design

Sergey M. Barkhin, Academician
On the Role of Proportions in the Theatrical Space

Yury S. Ustinov, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Arts
Interaction of Traditions and Innovations in the Scene Design

Elena N. Kitaeva, artist, chief designer of Culture TV channel
Possibilities of the Computer Projection in Combination with Elements of Animation, Light and Other Innovations Exemplified in the Design of Fragments of Performances Included in the Big Ballet TV Project

Victor G. Gerasimenko, chief designer of the New Opera Theater
Peculiarities of Computer Technologies Application in a Musical Theater Exemplified in the Set Design for “Cinderella” Opera by Rossini in the New Opera Theater

02 pm – Coffee Break

02.30 pm – Afternoon Session

Stanislav B. Benediktov, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Arts, chief designer of the Russian Academy Youth Theater
On the Prospects of Our Profession. The Principle Goal is to Preserve Art Culture

Victor I. Shilkrot, head of the Studio of the Scene Design Department in the School-Studio of A. Chekhov Moscow Art Academic Theater (MKHAT)
Teaching of Modern Scene Design Technologies at the Institute

Alena Y. Pikalova, head of the decoration service at the Bolshoi Theater
Retro-Decoration. Possibilities of Computer Technologies for Reconstruction of Classical Decorations

Elena P. Drevaleva, associate professor of the School-Studio of A. Chekhov Moscow Art Academic Theater (MKHAT)
Modern Technologies in the Light Design for a Performance

Tatyana N. Spasolomskaya, head of the course of theatrical painting at the Moscow State Art College in Memory of the Year of 1905
The Necessity of the Basic Classical Education for Professional Application of Modern Technologies


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