THE ART OF THE NETHERLANDS IN THE CONTEXT OF WORLD ART CULTURE: Research Conference at the Russian Academy of Arts in Honor of Russia-Netherlands Cross-Culture Year

The Russian Academy of Arts (RAA) and Research Institute of Theory and History of Fine Arts of the RAA invite you to attend a Research Conference “The Art of the Netherlands in the Context of World Art Culture” that will take place in the White Hall of the Russian Academy of Arts, 21 Prechistenka street, Moscow on October 24, 2013 at 10.30 am.


October 24, 2013 - Thursday
10.30 am – Morning Session

Zurab Tsereteli, President of the Russian Academy of Arts
Opening speech
Dmitry Shvidkovsky, Academician, Vice-President of the Russian Academy of Arts
Welcoming address
Thymen Kouwenaar, Advisor for Culture, Science and Education of the Embassy of the Netherlands in Moscow
Welcoming address

Natalya Pomerantseva, V. Surikov Moscow State Academy Art Institute
The Art of Ancient Egypt in Dutch Museums

Alla Pavlenko, Russian State University for the Humanities
The 17th Century Tsar’s Icon Painter Daniel Wuchters

Yulia Revzina, Research Institute of Theory and History of Fine Arts of the Russian Academy of Arts
The Russian Translation of the Treatise by Menno van Coehoorn “New Fortification on the Wet or Low Scene” – the Dutch Window on the European Fortification

Oleg Khromov, Research Institute of Theory and History of Fine Arts of the Russian Academy of Arts
Dutch Graphic Sources of Early Russian Engravings

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