The Russian Academy Of Arts

Master-Class of the Vice-President of the Russian Academy of Arts Dmitry Shvidkovsky in I. Repin St. Petersburg State Academy Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture

19.10.2013 -

On October 18, 2013 Prof. Dmitry Shvidkovsky, Vice-President of the Russian Academy of Arts,  Academician-Secretary of the RAA Department of Art History and Art Criticism, Doctor of Art History gave a master-class on the topic “Russian-Italian Ties in the History of Architecture” at I. Repin St. Petersburg State Academy Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. The master-class organized under the auspices of the Italian Institute of Culture in St. Petersburg was attended by the Rector of I. Repin Institute Semen Mikhailovsky, students and teachers of St. Petersburg art institutes.  

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