The Russian Academy Of Arts

THE ROMANOV DYNASTY - PATRONS OF ART: Research Conference at the Research Museum of the Russian Academy of Arts

08.11.2013 -

The Russian Academy of Arts and Academy’s Research Museum invite you to attend a Research Conference “The Romanov Dynasty – Patrons of Art|”, that will take place in the Conference Hall of the Research Museum (17 University Embankment, St. Petersburg, Russia) on November 11-13, 2013.


November 11, 2013 – Monday
10.00 – Registration of participants
            Opening of the Conference
10.20 – Morning Session
             to be led by Veronika-Irina Bogdan, Corresponding Member of the    
             Russian Academy of Arts  

Irina L. Buseva-Davydova, Research Institute of Theory and History of Fine Arts of the Russian Academy of Arts, Moscow
The Role of the Romanov Dynasty in the Development of the 19th Century Russian Icon Painting

Mikhail V. Seslavinsky, Federal Agency for Press and Mass Communications, Chairman of the National Union of Bibliophiles, Moscow
Bibliophile Editions in the Romanov Libraries: Traveling Through Time

Lyudmila S. Polyakova, Research Library of the Russian Academy of Arts, St. Petersburg
Gifts of the Romanovs to the Imperial Academy of Arts    

Yulia V. Danilina, A. Bakhrushin State Central Theater Museum, Moscow
Sketch of a Fancy Dress of the Empress Alexandra Fyodorovna Produced by the Grand Duchess Elizaveta Fyodorovna

Anastasia N. Alexeeva, Research Museum of the Russian Academy of Arts, St. Petersburg
Life-Time Portraits of the Empresses Anna Ioanovna and Elizaveta Petrovna in the Collection of the Research Museum of the Russian Academy of Arts

Olga K. Tsekhanovskaya, Central Naval Museum, St. Petersburg
Contribution of Members of the Romanov Family to the Establishment and Enrichment of the Naval Museum  

12.30 – Coffee Break
13.30 – Afternoon Session

Valentin V. Skurlov, St. Petersburg
Faberge and the Romanovs

Yury Y. Godymenko, the State Hermitage, St. Petersburg
Imperial Commissions to Egor Botman for the Winter Palace (From the Collection of the State Hermitage)

Sergey S. Akimov, State Art Museum in Nizhny Novgorod
Fyodor Rokotov’s Portrait of Peter III from the Collection of the State Art Museum in Nizhny Novgorod and the Artist’s Work on the Emperor’s Image

Vera  A. Pudova, the State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg
Alexander Baideman – Religious Painter of the Romanov Family

Ekaterina M. Andreeva, the State Hermitage, St. Petersburg
Nickolas I and the Collection of Plaster Casts (“Antiques”) at the Imperial Academy of Arts

Galina N. Korneva, Tatyana N. Cheboksarova, St. Petersburg
Donations of the Grand Duchess Maria Pavlovna to the Imperial Academy of Arts

Natalya Y. Avetyan, the State Hermitage, St. Petersburg
Collections of Photographs of the Empress Maria Alexandrovna

Olga V. Kalugina, Research Institute of Theory and History of Fine Arts of the Russian Academy of Arts, Moscow
The Romanovs as Customers of Monumental Sculpture of the Second Half of the 19th Century

Ekaterina A. Savinova, Research Institute of Theory and History of Fine Arts of the Russian Academy of Arts
The Artist D.A. Smirnov is a an Author of Architectural Models Commissioned by Alexander III

Anastasia A. Meschenina, St. Petersburg State University
Nicholas II as a Founder of the Committee for Trusteeship over Russian Icon Painting

November 12, 2013 – Tuesday

10.00 – Morning Session
             to be led by Veronika-Irina Bogdan, Corresponding Member of the
             Russian Academy of Arts

Natalya Starostina-Trubitsyna, Young Harris College, U.S.A  
Tsarist Russia in Memoirs of Russian Novelists-Immigrants in Interwar France

Zoya A. Perskevich, the State Russian Museum
Iconography of Daughters of the Grand Duke Michael Pavlovich and Grand Duchess Elena Pavlovna. Researches, Findings, Attribution.

Olga A. Krivdina, the State Russian Museum
Materials for the Sculptural Iconography of Emperor Nicholas I

Elena A. Rzhevskaya, Russian Academy of Arts
Iconography of the Grand Duchess Elizaveta Fyodorovna in Fine Arts (By the Example of Easel Painting, Graphic Art and Sculpture)

Elena V. Karlova, the State Russian Museum
Lifetime Portraits of Alexander I: Problems of Study and Attribution
Elena A. Plyusnina, Research Institute of Theory and History of Fine Arts of the Russian Academy of Arts
Materials for the Coronation Album of Alexander II in the Drawing Department of the Research Museum of the Russian Academy of Arts

Olga A. Zabelina, St. Petersburg
Iconographic and Stylistic Poly-Variation of the Romanov Family’s Images of the Creative Association “Alipiy” (Second Half of the 20th-21st Century). Icon Painting, Painting, Graphic Art  

12.50 – Coffee Break
13.30 – Afternoon Session

Irina I. Khmelnitskaya, St. Petersburg House of Scientists
Grand Duke Vladimir Alexandrovich - President of the Imperial Academy of Arts

Galina N. Korneeva, Tatyana N. Cheboksarova, St. Petersburg
The Portrait of Alexander III by Alexey Korzukhin Presented by the Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich as a Gift to the Electro-Technical Institute  

Aisulu E. Shukurova, the State Museum-Preserve “Gatchina”
The Battle Painting from the Collection of Nicholas I and Alexander II in the Gatchina Palace

Ilya V. Hokhlov, Novgorod State Museum-Preserve
The Grand Duke Michael Nickolaevich – Patron of the Church of  St.  Archangel Michael in Prussian Street in Novgorod

Anna E. Petrakova, Anastasia G. Bukina, the State Hermitage
The Romanovs are Collectors of Antique Painted Vases

Dmitry B. Grishin, International Institute of Management LINK, Moscow
The Romanov Gallery of the Grand Duke Sergey Alexandrovich

Tatyana V. Kulmatova, the Library of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Shakespeariana in the Private Library of the Grand Duke Konstantin Konstantinovich

Natalya A. Mozokhina, the State Russian Museum, “Krepostnoff” Publishing House
The Empress Alexandra Fyodorovna as a Publisher of Illustrated Post Cards

Ksenia A. Shalme, the State Tretyakov Gallery
Portrait of a Man and Picture of an Epoch. The Emperor Nicholas II as a Customer and Model.  

Svetlana V. Solovieva, the State Tretyakov Gallery
Ilya Repin’s Picture “Reception of Districts’ Managers by Alexander III in the Courtyard of the Petrovsky Palace in Moscow” as a Painted Equivalent of the Manifest of the Autocracy’s Stability by Alexander III

Liudmilla A. Budrina,  the Ekaterinburg Museum of Fine Arts
Images of the Romanovs in Works of the Urals Stone Cutters in the 19th – Early 20th Century

Anna A. Pomitun, State Museum of City Sculpture, St. Petersburg
New Materials on the Iconography of the Romanovs in Fine Arts

November 13, 2013 - Wednesday

10.30 -  Morning Session
             to be led by Veronika-Irina Bogdan, Corresponding Member of the
             Russian Academy of Arts  

Pavel P. Kotlyar. Vil Y. Yumangulov, State Museum-Preserve “Peterhof”
Sculptural Portraits of Members of the Imperial Family in Peterhof
Veronika-Irina T. Bogdan, Research Museum of the Russian Academy of Arts
From the History of the Organization of the Exhibition in Honor of the 300th Anniversary of the Romanov Dynasty

Mira Evseevna Daen, the Vologda State History, Architecture and Art Museum-Preserve
Emperors’ Portraits of the Early 19th Century in the Work of the Vologda Artist Nickolai Katin (1777-1865?). Peculiarities of the Style, Attribution

Inessa N. Slyunkova, Research Institute of Theory and History of Fine Arts, Moscow
The Monarch’s Commission for the Design of Coronation of Alexander II and Works of Leading Artists, Architects of St. Petersburg and Moscow  

Tatyana P. Borodina, Research Museum of the Russian Academy of Arts, St. Petersburg, I. Repin Museum-Estate “Penaty”
The Romanovs and Ilya Repin

Liudmilla I. Andruschenko, Research Museum of the Russian Academy of Arts, St. Petersburg, I.Repin Museum-Estate “Penaty”
Leizure in Izmailovo and Portrait of K.R. (Konstantin Romanov) by Ilya Repin (On the Issue of New Materials on Iconography of the Romanovs in Fine Arts)

Dina L. Trophimova, Research Center of the History of Theology and Theological Education of the Orthodox St. Tikhon University of the Humanities, Moscow
Rare Editions of the 19th- Early 20th Century Published under the Auspices of Russian Emperors

12.50 – Coffee Break
13.30 – Afternoon Session

Alla M. Bogdan, St. Petersburg
The Personality of the Grand Duchess  Maria Alexandrovna, Duchess of Edinburg and Sachsen-Coburg and Gotha -
Titian Hall: Meeting with the author of the book The Emperor’s Daughter and Sister at the exhibition “The Romanovs – Patrons of Art”


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