Awards of the Russian Academy of Arts Were Presented to the Creative Team for Recreation of the Naval Cathedral of St. Nicholas in Kronstadt

At the award ceremony in the White Hall of the Russian Academy of Arts on March 27, 2014 members of the creative team including architects, artists of monumental art and art historians were presented with awards of the Russian Academy of Arts for the unique and tremendous work on recreation of the exterior and interior decoration of the Naval Cathedral of St. Nicholas in Kronstadt that is a valuable contribution to preservation of monuments of national culture and promotion of Russian fine arts and architecture.  

The Gold Medals were presented to Andrey Obolensky, Nikita Nuzhny, Alexey Samoilov. The Silver Medals -  Andrey Gamlitsky, Konstantin Konstantinov, Ekaterina Litova, Nickolai Seliverstov, Natalya Sipkina, Alexey Yakovlev.  Diplomas - Mickhail Zhilenkov, Lyudmila Alabina, Oliviya Kandra, Ivan Kuznetsov, Olga Kuligina, Irina Naifonova, Maria Pack, Andrey Pokrovsky,  Tatyana Prokofieva, Anna Smolina, Olga Fisyukova, Vasily Chugunov, Vladimir Schepilov.  

The Naval Cathedral of St. Nicholas was built according to the design of the distinguished Russian architect V.A. Kosyakov and consecrated on June 23, 1913 as the main church of the Russian Navy dedicated to all fallen seamen. The construction of the Cathedral was actively supported by the Russian Emperor Nicholas II, member of the synod John of Krondstadt and Admiral Stepan Makarov. The Cathedral is one of the biggest Russian Orthodox churches and belongs to the best monuments of neo-Byzantine style. The original facades and interiors were lavishly decorated with natural and artificial marble, stone carving, mosaics, majolica, stained glasses, brilliant wall paintings.

After the Revolution of 1917, the Cathedral was closed in 1929 and its historical decoration was very much damaged. In 2009, according to the edict of the Government of the Russian Federation there was established a public and trustees’ council comprising leaders of the state, Army and Navy, representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church, business elite for the revival of the Cathedral. In 2013 it was consecrated by the Patriarch of All Russia Kirill.

The photo-report contains photographs from the official site of the Naval Cathedral of St. Nicholas in Kronstadt and from the sites and

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