The 80th Anniversary of B. Ioganson St. Petersburg Academy Art Lyceum

On April 10, at 2 pm at B. Ioganson St. Petersburg Academy Art Lyceum (17 Detskaya street, building 1) there will be a meeting in celebration of the 80th anniversary of the Lyceum to be attended by Members of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Arts comprising an award ceremony for the Lyceum’s teachers.

The Lyceum  is one of the oldest art schools in St. Petersburg which history dates back to the Primary School for Painting and Sculpture set up in 1934 and initially  located in the historical building of the Academy of Arts. Later, it was renamed into a School of Young Talents and in 1936 on its base there was established a Secondary Art School, which since 1947 was included in the structure of the USSR Academy of Arts. In 1992 it was renamed into a Lyceum that now bears the name of a noted artist and teacher Boris V. Ioganson (1893-1973).

Among the Lyceum’s graduates are renowned Russian artists, such as M.K. Anikushin, A.P. Levitin, I.S. Glazunov, V.F. Zagonek, B.S. Pesikov, M.M. Shemyakin, V.G. Starov, Y.I. Krestovsky, E.D. Maltsev, A.G. Yeremin, L.E. Kerbel, V.I. Tyulenev, Z.P. Arshakuni, E.I. Neizvestny, V.E. Gorevoy, S.N. Repin, S.A. Kubasov, I.G. Uralov, A.A. Pakhomov and many others. Since the 1950s the Lyceum has been internationally recognized and won a big success in international exhibitions of children’s artworks in France, Italy, India, Canada, Australia, etc.  

The jubilee events include a retrospective exhibition of the best works from the Lyceum’s funds and a publication of a jubilee album.

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