The Russian Academy Of Arts

The Academy Assembly of the Russian Academy of Arts

15.04.2014 -

On April 15, 2014 in the White Hall of the Russian Academy of Arts there was the 578th Academy Assembly. In his address the President of the Russian Academy of Arts Zurab Tsereteli noted the urgency of the consolidated decision-making on the preservation of the existing structure of the Academy as the oldest educational organization in the field of art and science, the necessity of upgrading teaching methods for education of young artists professionally oriented at the creation of highly artistic works.

The Chief Scientific Secretary of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Arts Oleg Koshkin has informed the attendees about the Academy’s plan for the current year that is a Year of Culture in Russia and Russia-Great Britain Cross Culture Year. The Head of the Law Department Alexandra Luzhina submitted for consideration a draft of the Federal Law On the Russian Academy of Arts (within the state program of reorganization of state academies of sciences and arts) that was approved by the attendees by the majority of votes.

Speaking about international support to the preservation of the integrity of the structure of the Russian Academy of Arts, its research and educational programs the Head of the Research and Organizing Department Tatyana Kochemasova has noted, that in 2014 Russia is celebrating the 60th anniversary of Russia’s entry into UNESCO and approval of the UNO Charter on education, science and culture. Taking into account the significant role of the Russian Academy of Arts in preservation of the unique art school, development of international programs aimed at the promotion of a cultural dialogue, the Organization suggested the inclusion of the Russian Academy of Arts in the Memory of the World register.  

At the award ceremony in the Apple Hall of the Russian Academy of Arts the regalia of an Honorary Member were presented to the painter Alexey Parfenov, sculptor Natalya Opiok, architect Andrey Efimov. The Silver Medal went to the artist Pavel Blokhin for preparation and publishing of “Borodino” book with Michael Lermontov’s original etchings and illustrations to the “Portrait” story by Nickolai Gogol.

The Medal for Services to the Academy was presented to Alexander Troshin, Svetlana Eremeeva, Dmitry Shmarin, Alexander Provotorov for their big contribution to the promotion of creative workshops of the Russian Academy of Arts.

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