Days of Historical and Cultural Heritage of Moscow

On Days of Historical and Cultural Heritage of Moscow on April 20 and May 17, 2014 Moscow museums and cultural institutions offer a wide program of events including good opportunities to see historical buildings rarely open to the public,  exhibitions, bus and walking tours, musical concerts, literary and theatrical evenings, masters-classes, performances.

The events have been timed to the International Day of Preservation of Monuments and Historical Sites, as well as International Museums’ Day annually celebrated on April 18 and May 18 correspondingly.  

April 20, 2014
Venue: Exhibition halls of the Russian Academy of Arts
            21 Prechistenka street, Moscow
            Open free of charge 12.00-19.00
            Ticket office closes an hour before the closing time
Current exhibitions:
•    The Caucasus in My Heart: Georgi Myasnikov. Alexander Rubets
•    Exhibition of Works by Rustam Yaushev, Olga Yausheva and Zeinab Yausheva (1906-1968)

Venue: Museum and Exhibition Complex of the Russian Academy of Arts
            Tsereteli Art Gallery
            19 Prechistenka street, Moscow    
            Open free of charge 12.00-20.00
            Ticket office closes an hour before the closing time

Current exhibitions:
•    Permanent exposition of works by Zurab Tsereteli
•    Permanent exposition of plaster casts of the antique sculpture from the collection of A. Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts
•    Photo-biennale 2014
•    The Melody of Colors: Solo show of works by Gabriel Juon-Erguine

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