The Russian Academy Of Arts

The Life-Giving Source. Water in the Hierotopy and Iconography of the Christian World: International Symposium at the Russian Academy of Arts

25.06.2014 - 27.06.2014

The Life-Giving Source. Water in the Hierotopy and Iconography of the Christian World: International Symposium at the Russian Academy of Arts

The Russian Academy of Arts, the Institute for World Culture at the Moscow State University, Center for Medieval Studies of the Research University “High School of Economics”, the Research Center for Eastern Christian Culture invite you to attend an International Symposium “The Life-Giving Source. Water in the Hierotopy and Iconography of the Christian World” that will take place in the Presidium Hall of  the Russian Academy of Arts, 21 Prechistenka street, on June 25-27, 2014.


June 25, 2014 - Wednesday
Morning Session – 10.30 am

Introduction by the Chair of the Organizing Committee, Academician of the Russian Academy of Arts Alexey Lidov

Alexey Lidov
The Rivers of Paradise and Hierotopy of the Byzantine Church

Vyacheslav Ivanov
The Sacred Water in Indo-European Languages and Culture

Coffee Break – 12.00-12.20

Lydia Chakovskaya
The Water in the Jerusalem Temple and Ancient Synagogues

Arkady Kovelman
The Throne in the Baptistery. On the Judeo-Christian Tradition of Hygiene Sacre

Nathan S. Dennis
Living Water, Living Presence: Hierotopy and Aquatic Agency in the Early Christian Baptistery

Afternoon Session – 15.00

George Urbanovich
The Baptistery and Sacred Space of Sanctuaries in the Church of North Africa from the 4th to 7th century

Richard Maguire
Oil and Troubled Waters: Four Cypriot Baptisteries

Coffee Break - 16.40-17.00

Nikita Gaidukov
Natural, Living and Dead Water in the Cave Churches of the South-West Taurica

Jane Chick
The Okeanus and the Nile: The Imagery of Sacred Waters in the East Church Complex at Qasr el-Lebia in Cyrenaica, Libya

Beatrice Leal
The Symbolic Display of Water in Early Islamic Art (a case of Qusayr Amra)  

Michele Bacci
Water in the Making of Memorial Sites: the Wall of the Star, The Bath Grotto and other Cisterns of Bethlehem

June 26, 2014 - Thursday
Morning Session – 10.30 am

Anna Ryndina
San Salvatore of Laterano and the Savior’s Icon of the Pope Gregory “From the Water”: Textile Background, Iconography and the Rite of the Washing of the Feet

Nikolaos Livanos
The Protective Water and Miraculous Icons: an Aspect of Hierotopyon Mount Athos

Alesya Veremieva
“Madonne Venute Dal Mare”.  The Origin and Tradition in the Veneration of the Icons of the Virgin in South Italy

Coffee Break – 12.00-12.30

Alexander Preobrazhensky
“Tears from the Dry Wood”. The Crying, Bleeding and Chrism-Exudin Icons in the Russian Chronicles

Maria Pliukhanova
The Virgin as the Life-Giving Source in Early Russian Services of the Miraculous Icons

Vsevolod Rozhniatovsky
Light as Water. The Representation of Water and Lighting Effects

Afternoon Session – 15.00

Jelena Bogdanovic
The Phiale as a Spatial Icon

Vladimir Sedov
The Bogoliubovo Ciborium and its Byzantine Analogies

Magdalena Gladkaya
The Sacred Waters in the Spatial Icon of the Pokrov Church on the Nerl River

Coffee Break – 16.40-17.00

Georgi Gerov
The Water Imagery as a Sign of the Liminal Space at the Entrances of the Orthodox Churches: the Concept and its Reflections in Iconography

Alexander Bobrov
The Sacred Water in Old Russian Tradition: the Steam Bath and the Morning Dew

Alexander Melnik
Water and Cults of Saints in Russia from the 11th to 17th Century

M. Egorova, A. Kruchinina, T. Shvets
The Medieval Russian Rite of the Washing of Feets: a Multi-Facet Text in the Sacred Space

June 27, 2014 – Friday
Morning Session – 10.30

Valery Igoshev
The Consecration of Water and Medieval Russian Liturgical Vessels

Kevin M. Kain
The “Sacred Waters” of the “Holy Lake” Valdai: A Wellspring of Hierotopic Activities in the Reign of Tsar Alexey Mikhailovich

Xenia Schedrina
The Vessel for Hand Washing in the Hierotopy of the Royal Ceremonial in the 16th – 17th Century Moscow

Coffee Break – 12.00-12.20
Vasily Ulianovsky
The Washing of Holy Icons and Relics in the Practice of the Russian and Jerusalem Churches: the Case of the Patriarch Theophanes in the Trinity-Sergius Lavra in 1619

Mikhail Dmitriev
“The All Water Is Holy”. The Magic and Mystical in Old Russian Rites of the Consecration of Water

Olga Chumicheva
“Foul Water” of  Alien Doctrine: Mechanisms of the Anti-Sacral

Andrew Okhotsimsky
Holy Water and Reformation

Ksana Blank
The Underwater City-Temple: Christian Kitezh and Pagan Svetloyar

George Kreidun
The Island “New Patmos” in the Altai as a Hierotopic Project from the 19th to 21st Centuries

Coffee Break – 16.40-17.00

Yulia Shevarenkova
Holy Springs and Their Role in the Creation of Sacred Space in Diveevo Region

Mikhail Sikolov
Transformations of Water in Modern Art: From Hagiasma to Narcissus’ Mirror


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