The Russian Academy Of Arts

Methodology and Practice of Teaching Decorative Art in Moscow Art, Theatrical and Cinematographic Institutes. Academic Year 2013-2014: Panel Discussion at the Russian Academy of Arts

17.12.2014 -

The Russian Academy of Arts and its Department of Theatrical and Cinema Decorative Art invite you to attend the panel discussion “Methodology and Practice of Teaching Decorative Art in Moscow Art, Theatrical and Cinematographic Institutes. Academic Year 2013-2014”, that will take place in the White Hall of the Russian Academy of Arts, 21 Prechistenka street, on December 17, 2014  at 14.00.

The panelists: B.A. Messerer, S.A. Alimov, V.N. Arkhipov, V.V. Arkhipov, S.B. Benediktov, S.V. Ivanov, A.V. Kondratiev, N.N. Merkushev, S.F. Morozov, I.L. Reshetnikova, V.I. Shilkrot.

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