The Russian Academy Of Arts

The Environment of Sculpture Existing: Panel Discussion at the Russian Academy of Arts

18.12.2014 -

The Russian Academy of Arts and Research Institute of Theory and History of Fine Arts of the Russian Academy of Arts invite you to attend the panel discussion “The Environment of Sculpture Existing”, that will take place in the White Hall of the Russian Academy of Arts, 21 Prechistenka street, on December 18, at 14.00.

The panel discussion is dedicated to jubilees of distinguished Russian sculptors: Anna Golubkina (1864-1927), Sergey Konenkov (1874-1971), Vera Mukhina (1889-1953).

The panelists: T.V. Doronina, A.E. Zavialova, O.V. Kalughina, I.M. Marisina, A.V. Samokhin, I.N. Sedova, S.V. Usacheva, L.S. Khasianova, V.I. Chaikovskaya, T.V. Yudenkova, E.V. Yakhnenko.

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