The Russian Academy Of Arts

The Publication of the Book by Academician of the Russian Academy of Arts Valery Maloletkov “The Cup of Fate”

15.01.2015 -

Recently has come out the book by the celebrated Russian ceramist, Academician of the Russian Academy of Arts, Professor Valery Maloletkov entitled the Cup of Fate. This is the artist’s seventh monograph dedicated to his multi-sided creative work. Constantly working in ceramics Valery Maloletkov devotes himself to drawings, monumental art, photography, theory of art and teaching.

The rich illustrative material contributes to showcasing of the master’s diverse searches in art. The book also presents a vast series of his new works produced in the early 2010-s including his sculptural compositions in the technique of faience. Each chapter is anticipated by the author’s literary essays giving a good idea of the artist’ art world.

The opening of the solo show in honor of the 70th anniversary of Valery Maloletkov will take place at the Russian Academy of Arts on January 20, 2015.

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