The Russian Academy Of Arts

Vasili Tsereteli and Mickhail Mindlin Have Been Awarded the French Order of Arts and Letters

14.05.2015 -

The Russian Academy of Arts is congratulating Vasili Tsereteli - the Academician of the Russian Academy of Arts, Executive Director of the Moscow Museum of Modern Art and Mikhail Mindlin – Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Arts, Director-General of the State Center of Modern Art on the award of the French Order of Arts and Letters in recognition of their significant contribution to arts.

Vasili Tsereteli has received the regalia of a Commander of the Order of Arts and Letters, Mikhail Mindlin – the regalia of an Officer of the Order of Arts and Letters.

The Order of Arts and Letters was established in 1957 by the French Minister of Culture and is one of the four main state awards of the French Republic. It has three grades. The membership is not limited to French nationals, recipients include numerous foreign luminaries.  

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