The Russian Academy Of Arts

The Knowledge of Good: International Research and Exhibition Project in Verona

03.12.2016 -

From  December 03, 2016 till  January 15, 2017 the Italian City of Verona will host an International Research and Exhibition Project “The Knowledge of Good” organized by the Russian Academy of Arts and the Academy of Fine Arts of Verona. The Project is aimed at discussing problems of the development of  contemporary academic art education and promoting the long-term cultural cooperation between Russia and Italy.  

On December 3, 2016 at 12.00 in the Palace of Gran Guardia there will be a presentation of the exhibition part of the project – solo show of works by the People’s Artist of the USSR and Russia, President of the Russian Academy of Arts, UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador Zurab Tsereteli. “The Knowledge of Good”  exhibition will be open to the public from December 4, 2016 till January 15, 2017 and accompanied by the charitable concert of Russian and Italian spiritual choir music to be performed by the Women’s Chamber “Hoffmann Choir” – Laureate of International Music Competitions.  

On December 05, 2016 the Academy of Fine Arts of Verona will host a Russian Italian Research Conference “On the Ways of Development of Contemporary Academic Art”.

The project also includes a charitable master-class in painting by the President of the Russian Academy of Arts Zurab Tsereteli for students of the Academy of Fine Arts and Art Lyceum of Verona, as well as a master-class of the Academician of the Russian Academy of Arts Evgeny Maximov.

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