The Russian Academy Of Arts


The Forum of the Russian Academy of Sciences – The Academic Vernisage: Scientific and Cultural Program of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Russian Academy of Arts

On July 5, 2012 in the White Hall of the Russian Academy of Arts there was the first panel discussion within the framework of the activity of the Council of Trustees of the scientific and cultural program of “The Forum of the Russian Academy of Sciences – the Academic Vernisage”.

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Activity End Time: 05.07.2012


The Vice-President of the Russian Academy of Arts Lev Shepelev Has Been Awarded the Order of Honor (Russian Federation)

By the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin the state order of the Russian Federation – the Order of Honor was awarded to the People’s Artist of the Russian Federation, Academician and Vice-President of the Russian Academy of Arts Lev Shepelev for his high lifetime achievements and significant contribution to the promotion of Russian culture and art.

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Activity End Time: 26.06.2012


The Year of Russian History: Exhibition in the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation

On June 22, 2012 at 04 am – the date and time of the beginning of the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945 in the building of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation there was an unveiling ceremony for the exhibition entitled The Year of Russian History.

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Activity End Time: 22.06.2012


State Awards Have Been Presented to the Academicians of the Russian Academy of Arts Peter Ossovsky and Dmitry Zhilinsky

The President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin decorated the People’s Artist of the USSR, Academician of the Russian Academy of Arts Peter Ossovsky with the Order For Services to Motherland 3rd Rank for his significant contribution to the promotion of Russian Fine Arts and his lifetime achievements. The People’s Artist of the Russian Federation, Academician of the Russian Academy of Arts Dmitry Zhilinsky was presented with the Order for Services to Motherland 4th Rank.

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Activity End Time: 20.06.2012


Exhibition in Honor of the 80th Anniversary of the Moscow Artists’ Union in the Manezh Exhibition Hall

On June 19, 2012 in the Moscow Manezh Central Exhibition Hall there was an opening ceremony for “The Moscow Artists’ Union – 80” exhibition. The President of the Russian Academy of Arts Zurab Tsereteli attended the jubilee show including his canvases and sculptures.

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Activity End Time: 19.06.2012


Unveiling Ceremony for the Monument to Marina Tsvetaeva by Zurab Tsereteli in France

On June 16, 2012 in the town of St. Gilles-Croix-de-Vie in western France there was an unveiling ceremony for the monument to the distinguished Russian poet Marina Tsvetaeva (1892-1941) whose 120th birth anniversary is celebrated this year. The author of the sculpture is Zurab Tsereteli, People’s Artist of the USSR and Russian Federation, President of the Russian Academy of Arts, Corresponding Member of the French Academy of Fine Arts.

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Activity End Time: 18.06.2012


The People’s Artist of Russia, Member of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Arts Nickolai Mukhin Was Awarded a State Prize in Literature and Art

By the decree of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin the People’s Artist of Russia, Academician of the Russian Academy of Arts, founder of the Yaroslavl Icon School Nickolai Mukhin has been awarded a State Prize of the Russian Federation in Literature and Art 2011 for his significant contribution to the development of Russian traditional cultural and historical values. The award ceremony took place in the Kremlin on the Day of Russia - June 12, 2012.

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Activity End Time: 09.06.2012


The Existence of Arts in Russia in the 18th - Early 20th Century. Problems, Masters, Works of Art: All-Russian Research Conference

The Russian Academy of Arts,  Department of Art History and Art Criticism of the Russian Academy of Arts, Research Institute of Theory and History of Fine Arts of the Russian Academy of Arts invite you to attend an All-Russian Research Conference “The Existence of Arts in Russia in the 18th – Early 20th Century. Problems, Masters, Works of Art”, that will take place in the building of the Research Institute of Theory and History of Fine Arts ( Room 8), 21 Prechistenka street, Moscow on June 7-8, 2012.

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Activity End Time: 04.06.2012


Award Ceremony for the Philanthropist International Prize

On May 26, 2012 the President of the Russian Academy of Arts Zurab Tsereteli took part in the award ceremony for the Philanthropist International Prize for the best achievements of physically challenged children in art and culture (Tsereteli Art Gallery, 19 Prechistenka street, Moscow).

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Activity End Time: 26.05.2012


Presentation of the Book Devoted to the Creative Work of Victor Popkov (1932-1974)

The Russian Academy of Arts invites you to attend a presentation of the book devoted to the creative work by the artist Victor Popkov (1932-1974), that will take place in Tsereteli Art Gallery (Apple Hall), 19 Prechistenka street, on May 29, 2012 at 6pm. The presentation is timed to the master’s 80 birth anniversary.

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Activity End Time: 24.05.2012


The Point of View: Solo Retrospective of Works by Leonid Sokov in the State Museum of Modern Art (10 Gogolevsky Boulevard)

On May 24, 2012 the President of the Russian Academy of Arts Zurab Tsereteli took part in the opening of a solo show of over 120 works by Leonid Sokov at the State Museum of Modern Art (10 Gogolevsky Boulevard, Moscow). The first major retrospective of the well-known master of Russian Soviet Pop Art entitled the Point of View presents his works from the 1970s till today.

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Activity End Time: 24.05.2012


High Spanish Awards Were Presented to Zurab Tsereteli and Vasily Tsereteli

The Spanish Ambassador to Russia Luis Felipe Fernandez de la Pena at the award ceremony in his residence in Moscow on May 23, 2012 presented Zurab Tsereteli, the President of the Russian Academy of Arts, People’s Artist of the USSR and Russian Federation, Corresponding Member of the Spanish San Fernando Royal Academy of Fine Arts with the Cross of the Order of the King of Spain “For Civil Services”. The Officer’s Cross of the Order “For Civil Services” was presented to the Executive Director of the Moscow Museum of Modern Art, Academician of the Russian Academy of Arts Vasily Tsereteli.

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Activity End Time: 23.05.2012


Opening of the “Corruption: Satiric Audit” Exhibition in Tsereteli Art Gallery

On May 22, 2012 the President of the Russian Academy of Arts and representatives of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation opened an exhibition of works by participants of the International “Corruption: Satiric Audit” Competition of Caricature.

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Activity End Time: 22.05.2012


Solo Retrospective of Igor Cholaria in Tsereteli Art Gallery

Organized by the Russian Academy of Arts and Tsereteli Art Gallery in partnership with Maria Stroganov Art Gallery, the solo show features works by Igor Cholaria produced by the artist in various years. The opening ceremony was attended by the President of the Russian Academy of Arts Zurab Tsereteli, Honored President of the Russian Olympic Committee Leonid Tyagachev, Head of the Presidential Property Management Department Vladimir Kozhin, Member of the Council of Federation Lyudmila Narusova.

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Activity End Time: 18.05.2012


Night at the Museum 2012 at the Russian Academy of Arts

At the Night of the Museum on May 19-20, 2012 the Russian Academy of Arts invites you to visit its exhibition halls that will be open from till admission free; Tsereteli Art Gallery will be open from 18.00 till 24.00: admission  free.

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Activity End Time: 18.05.2012


Presentation of the Monument to Marina Tsvetaeva Designed by the President of the Russian Academy of Arts Zurab Tsereteli

On May 28, 2012 in Tsereteli Art Gallery (19 Prechistenka street, Moscow) there will be a presentation of the monument to the distinguished Russian poet Marina Tsvetaeva (1892-1941) whose 120th birth anniversary is celebrated this year. The author of the sculpture is Zurab Tsereteli, People’s Artist of the USSR and Russian Federation, President of the Russian Academy of Arts, UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador.  

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Activity End Time: 16.05.2012


Master Class by Zurab Tsereteli for Physically Challenged Children

The Moscow Museum of Modern Art in partnership with the Moscow Regional Charitable Foundation for Support to Physically Challenged Children has arranged a creative meeting of the renowned artist Zurab Tsereteli with physically disabled children. The aim of the action was to expose the children to art and to provide them with a possibility of trying their hand at painting.

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Activity End Time: 14.05.2012


Round Table on the Problems of Teaching Composition in the System of Academic Art Education at the Moscow Academy Art Lyceum

The Russian Academy of Arts and the Moscow Academy Art Lyceum invite you to attend a panel discussion on the problems of teaching composition in the system of academic art education that will take place in the conference hall of the Moscow Academy Art Lyceum (8 Krymsky Val, building 2, Moscow) on May 16, 2012 at 12.00.

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Activity End Time: 14.05.2012


By the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation Zurab Tsereteli Has Been Approved as President of the Russian Academy of Arts

By the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation N631-r dated April 23, 2012 Zurab Konstantinovich Tsereteli has been approved as the President of the Russian Academy of Arts. He was re-elected as a President of the Russian Academy of Arts for the term of five years by the 575th General Assembly of the Russian Academy of Arts on March 27, 2012. Zurab Tsereteli has been heading the Russian Academy of Arts since 1997.

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Activity End Time: 27.04.2012


Zurab Tsereteli Became a Winner of the “Innovation” Prize

On April 3, 2012 at the Artplay Design Center were announced laureates of the 7th All-Russian Competition in Contemporary Art “Innovation”. The President of the Russian Academy of Arts Zurab Tsereteli became a winner in the nomination “For Support to Contemporary Art in Russia”.

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Activity End Time: 03.04.2012

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